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We already know what you’re thinking. “Here goes another story promising to help me get rid of my acne.” And while that is in fact what this is, kinda, we promise that what you’re about to read is far more useful than the traditional “just wash your face and drink water” advice.

One thing that we can all agree on is that breakouts (think nodules, whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, papules, cysts) are something that almost all of us have or will have to deal with in our lifetime. However, it can be almost impossible to pinpoint the cause of said breakouts, making treatment feel almost impossible. For that reason, we’ve gathered some of the lesser-known reasons that your skin may not be cooperating, and the solutions to keeping those vicious bumps at bay.

So if scrubbing your skin to no end has proven unsuccessful and you’ve ruled out hormones as the culprit, check out four unsuspecting reasons that your breakouts may continue to appear.

The "Other" Culprits of Acne | Luma & Leaf

Working Out

Yes, keeping your body healthy is important, but keeping your skin in tip-top shape is important, too! One major cause of breakouts for those who love to get in a good workout, is not properly cleansing immediately afterwards. Most relevant if you workout in the morning, chances are that you’re “refreshing” rather than thoroughly cleaning in an effort to start your day on time. To compound that, the increased sweat produced as you rush out the door so you don’t miss that morning meeting further adds to the bacteria and sweat build-up on the skin.

Ways To Help: We know it’s easier said than done, and we all want as much beauty rest as possible, but give yourself more time in the morning. Even if it’s only 10-15 minutes more, the time to be able to properly shower and submerse your skin in water and soap is imperative. Not only will those extra minutes do wonders in effectively washing away sweat and bacteria on your face, but it will also tremendously reduce body acne as well.

However, we know that beating the clock isn’t always possible. So if you do find yourself in a pinch, pack a cleanser and a facial mist in your gym bag for a post-workout refresh that will hold you over until you can make your way to the shower. Try the ultra-refreshing, plant-powered product,
Hydraglow Cleansing Gel 

The “Other” Culprits of Acne | Luma & Leaf


While to some it may seem obvious, it’s easy to forget how much of a role what we consume actually plays in having clear skin. Have you ever cut down on sugar and dairy, or amped up your water intake, and noticed that your skin is clearing up? Well, you can probably look to change in your nutrition to thank for that. That doesn’t mean you have to skip the undeniably good treats we all enjoy, but remember, everything in moderation.

Ways To Help: If you're feeling like a change up in your weekly grocery haul, maybe take the time to try out some new recipes. Cooking can be a great way to relax, get in a little you time, and promote overall well being of your body.

The "Other" Culprits of Acne | Luma & Leaf

Showering Incorrectly

Nope, you’re not reading it wrong. Showering really can cause acne. However, that’s only if you’re doing it wrong. If you wash your hair after washing your face and body, chances are that residue is continuing to sit on the skin. And with conditioners having high oil contents, you can bet that the excess makes its home on the surface.

Ways To Help: Wash your hair first then transition to washing your body. Additionally, try using a long-handled shower brush to access those hard to reach places like your back. However, be sure to replace these frequently as they do tend to trap bacteria at more frequent rates than traditional wash cloths.

Using Too Many Skincare Products

Beauty obsessives, we have some really heartbreaking news: it may be time for an overhaul. While you may think that your 60 beauty products are the answer, your skin may be crying out for less, not more.

Ways To Help: Scale back. Take a week and use nothing but a gentle cleanser and moisturizer. After, gradually build up the routine incorporating what you feel your skin still needs. Try Clear Slate Serum paired with our Illuminating Collection cleanser and moisturizer for the cleanest way to get back to the basics with a simplified routine.

And above all, just relax. Don’t forget that stress also plays a role in acne, so maintaining a good mental space is above all. We all struggle with acne, you’re not the only one. So take these tips, incorporate them into your daily routine, and watch your skin slowly but surely improve.  

Shop Our Skin-Clearing Lineup

Combine our Hydraglow Cleansing Gel, and Luminous Light Moisturizer, with our Clear Slate Serum for clear skies ahead.

 The "Other" Culprits of Acne | Luma & Leaf