Caring for yourself is not only necessary, but it’s productive and essential for your peace of mind. Don’t tell yourself otherwise because everyone deserves some ‘me’ time! Self-care goes beyond the couple of minutes you spend in the mirror getting ready in the morning or washing off the day at night.
Any little thing that makes you feel alive or good about yourself is a form of self-care, and you should prioritize this feeling every single day. We’re sharing some self-care ideas for you to implement to feel your best today - and always.
1. Snooze The Alarm
There’s something so refreshing about a day where you can plan to sleep in and lounge in bed for as long as your heart desires. It’s the mental and physical reset your body needs every once in a while to feel and function as good as new. For the best bed-laying experience, wash your sheets, light a candle, and put on your favorite feel-good movie. We promise you won’t want to get up and you’ll savor this quality time more than you ever have before. Snooze the alarm, your body deserves to rest.
2. Get Outside
Even if you aren’t the nature type, everyone can benefit from breathing in a little fresh air and appreciating the views around you. Now, we aren’t here to tell you to go on a jog if you aren’t a runner, but a light hike or a brisk walk around your neighborhood can do wonders for your mental health. Throw on your go-to playlist or a podcast you’ve been wanting to listen to and take a break from your phone to really enjoy where you live and what it has to offer. If reading takes you to your happy place, grab a book and a blanket, and go relax in a green oasis that is sure to make you forget about the deadline you have coming up at work.
3. Take a Break From Socials
Unplugging from social media is one of the best things you can do for your mind and spirit. In a world of curated pictures and FOMO, it should be a requirement to take a little hiatus every now and then to recenter yourself and head back to reality. If one or some of the apps tend to leave you feeling in a down mood after scrolling, we highly recommend deleting them for a day or two to avoid temptation. If you aren’t quite ready to delete them, try allotting yourself a certain amount of scroll time to ensure you aren’t getting carried away. Then, use the time you would be on socials to treat yourself to some other self-care activities that will make you forget all about your phone. Trust us, it’s exhilarating.
4. Pamper Yourself
The chances are highly likely that you don’t pamper yourself often enough. Ever heard of the saying, “When you look good, you feel good?” Not only is it so true, but it’s a concept you should totally keep in your back pocket for a big interview or night out with friends. Pampering yourself can mean many different things to many different people. Maybe giving yourself a complete manicure at home brings you peace or maybe you’d rather formulate a safe, DIY face mask to truly get in relaxation mode. Or, perhaps you’ve had a rough week and you deserve to make that box of brownies that’s been calling your name. Figure out which one of these self-care ideas works for you and do more of that.
5. Order In
There’s just something so *chef’s kiss* about taking the night off from cooking to order in your favorite take-out. And nothing screams self-care more than listening to your body and honoring what it’s craving. As busy working adults, it can often be difficult to find time to squeeze in a meal when you have a dozen other things you need to be doing. But, we’re here to intervene and remind you that food is fuel. Take it a step further and invite your friends over for a buffet-style feast to really kick work thoughts (and any chance of wanting to work) to the curb.
6. Let Yourself Breathe
It’s crucial to mindfully treat your body with care. If you’re used to working a stressful 9-5 or spending all day studying, it’s always a good idea to set a reminder to breathe. This may sound silly, but the physical act of taking time to focus on your breathing can make a significant difference in your mood and overall health. Whether you can set aside 30 minutes to do yoga when you get home or take breaks throughout the day to follow along with a meditation app, your body will seriously thank you. Sometimes, we’re too worried about everything we have to accomplish in a day to take a step back and appreciate our bodies for allowing us to get this far. Cherish that ‘you’ time!
7. Catch Up With Friends
If being around your friends brings out the best in you, then maybe it’s time to set up a lunch or dinner date. Sometimes, hearing about other people’s lives helps you to forget about the chaos going on in yours, especially when these people are ones you care a lot about. It’s common for work and other adulting commitments to get in the way of friendships, so don’t fret. Pick up the phone and call who you miss to get together for a much-needed reunion.
We can’t stress enough how important it is to prioritize your mental health. Today and every day, you should be doing things for yourself that rejuvenate you. Our self-care ideas above are meant to guide you towards discovering your happiest, most fulfilled self. Let your journey to self-care and self-love begin - and NEVER look back!